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boots, DIY, rhinestones, screw-on studs -

Recently Mari from SentFromMars.com created a tutorial to show how easy it is to customize your boots with rhinestones and screw on studs. We want to share with you the video that she has done documenting the process and show you how you can beautify your boots and make them special and shiny with rhinestones and studs. A video on how to customize your boots with rhinestones by Mari from SentFromMars.com. ddddd   You can also find the step-by-step tutorial and links to the tools and materials used in the video on Instructables.com. You can even download the heart-shaped template...

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adhesives, DIY, rhinestones -

Choosing the right adhesive to use on rhinestones is extremely important, if you want your work-of-art to come out beautifully...without destroying the rhinestones, or the surface the rhinestones are to be attached to.

We experimented on several adhesive types with some very interesting observations.

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